Tuesday, May 26, 2009

it's all about us

Author: Shelley Adina

Publisher: Hachette Book Group USA

Summary: some things you just know without being told, like... You passed the math final (or you didn't). Your boyfriend isn't into you and wants to break up. You're the New GIrl and your junior year is going to be utterly miserable.

Lissa Mansfield is used to being in the "in crowd"-but being accepted by the popular girls at posh Spencer Academy boarding school in San Francisco is a lot harder than she thought. And then there's her New York-loudmouth roommate, Gillian Chang, who's not happy just to be a Christian herself-she's determined to out Lissa, too. If Lissa can just keep her faith under wraps long enough to hook Callum McCloud, the hottest guy in school, she'll be golden.

But when Callum pressures her to go all the way with him, Lissa has to decide how far is too far. How can she see that line when he's so gorgeous and popular and God seems so far away? Between that and shopping for a knockout dress and booking the hottest celeb for the Benefactor's Day Ball...who knew finding a place at Spencer Academy would be so complicated?

Review: The first 60 pages were really slow, and even though I'm a believer, the religion angle was stressed too hard there in my opinion. After that, though, the book turned out great. I would definately recommend it to anyone who's having a hard time making decisions like the ones portrayed in this book. I don't think you need to be a believer to appreciate the lesson taught in this novel so my recommendation goes out to any girl.

The characters were actually pretty interesting. Lissa wasn't overly religioug, but then she was too butt-facey in parts like she was two different people. It settled out fine with me though. At least I could relate to her in some ways although she had a tough decision to make. I liked the plot and I thought that the glamour was right for the story, but it was still real.

Rating: 3/5

other books in the series:
2. the fruit of my lipstick
3. be strong and curvaceous
4. who made you a princess?


  1. Isaaa ^0^!

    As for your comment: Cause I rock xDD!!
    I really try to be funny and super original, but sometimes I'm too bad plotting contests, ahahaha ^O^! Thanks for being there!

    Un beso enorme, y disfruta con esos libros, que me parece que ni la mitad llegará por estos lares ;)

  2. Gracias Alba! Otra vez me traes una sonrisa enorme :D

    Si, estos libros me caen muy bien porque son super reales. Pienso que seria bueno que todas las chicas los lean.


What did you think? :D