Author: Alyxandra Harvey
Summary: (back cover) Solange Drake always knew she was destined to become a vampire queen. And as the only female vampire ever born, not made, she is surrounded by danger on all sides--from vampire suitors who want to join with her lineage to bounty hunters who are set on destroying her and her family When she is kidnapped, it's up to her oler brother Nicholas and her human best friend, Lucy, to save her. But can Lucy save herself from Nicholas, who tempts her with his every look? And what will be Solange's own fate if she surrenders her heart to the vampire hunter helping her survive the deadly intrigue at the royal court?
Let the Drake family be your guide into a secret vampire society full of epic battles, gothic seduction, undead drama, and wicked humor.
Review: It started out a bit slow as introductions were made and background explained, but I was surprised at how good the story got really quickly. Although it was relatively short, there was plenty of action.
The fighting scenes were cool and Lucy's quirky personality made this vampire book unique and satisfying. Although vampires are a bit overdone, I know that a good story can make me fall back in love with them and this book created a new platform to set the story on.
The ending was packed with stuff and I felt that it could have actually been dragged out a little more because it left me a little shell-shocked while the middle could have been condensed a bit and only the main characters were well developed. This is perfectly okay and even preferable because it is a series and the rest of the books delve into the other characters making them feel fresh and excitingly different.
At first, I was very skeptical about how I would handle alternating points of view because I've read quite a few books where instead of enhancing the story, changing characters actually detract. It felt like that at first with Hearts At Stake, but quickly evened out and started to feel like a natural part of the book.
Overall, it was a pleasant read and Lucy's over-the-top character balanced by Solange's solitary one created a cute story. Hope you enjoy!
Rating: 1 2 3 3.5 4 5
I'm glad you stuck with reading this since the begining was slow and it picked up. I'll put this on my vamp tbr list.