Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tween Blog Alert


I received an e-mail asking me to let the book blogging community know about a new blog Emblazon, dedicated to tweens launching today. I wrote a paper once on the importance of clearly defining the YA label and think that there is a need to better understand intended ages on YA books. Which is why I am happy that New Adult Fiction is now a thing!

Sometimes YA can feel like a huge scavenger hunt and narrower labels help the reader. So if you know a tween that may be looking for a targeted read, then this is probably a great site to follow. From the e-mail, the following a description:

"Emblazon is a blog written by a collection of indie and traditionally published authors who care about producing high quality stories for kids. We have a particular focus on ages 11 to 14. We call them Tweens. The purpose of Emblazon is to celebrate tween literature. We want to draw attention to this fabulous genre, interact with other enthusiasts whether child or adult, and encourage new writers."

And there you have it! Looking for Tween books? Head on over there! And for coverage of the more general YA label, stay tuned! I think I may or may not decide to post that paper up here, even if it is outdated!


  1. Isa, thank you so much for helping us spread the word about Emblazon today! Be sure to enter our huge book giveaway too :-)


What did you think? :D