Friday, April 22, 2011


Author: Cathy Ostlere

From: Publisher

Summary: (goodreads) On October 31, 1984, Indira Gandhi is gunned down by two Sikh bodyguards. The murder sparks riots in Delhi and for three days Sikh families are targeted and killed in retribution for the Prime Minister’s death. It is into this chaos that sixteen-year-old Maya and her Sikh father, Amar, arrive from their home in Canada. India’s political instability is the backdrop and catalyst for Maya’s awakening to the world. KARMA is the story of how a young woman, straddling two cultures and enduring personal loss, learns forgiveness, acceptance and love.

Review: From the very first verses, I was hooked with the story and loved the main character. The story was compelling and it was easy to imagine because of the wonderful writing.

It starts in Canada showing the prejudice and obstacles that being culturally different can cause. As we get to India, there is an immediate increase in tension and suspense as the rioting affects Maya and her dad deeply.

There were some very intense action scenes written with strong force and culminating in an unexpected way. It starts out from Maya's point of view as she writes in a diary and then suddenly switches to the point of view that the boy writes in as he tells us the rest of Maya's story. They way it the characters showed interaction with each other was very well done and I heard two distinct voices as I read while seeing them as they are seen through each other's eyes. It was a great experience and although it didn't end how I wanted it to, I thought that the story unraveled in an excellent manner.

Verse definitely helped make this story what it was and I am glad that it was written in such a style as it brought out the emotional side of the characters more and helps readers relate to them. I really hope that you consider reading this story woven into a historical time period and I am proud to say that I learned more than I ever could have known otherwise about India and that particular struggle as well as gained insight into human nature.

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5

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